
Automating History Homework with Web Scraping


In eleventh grade, my U.S. history class had one particularly annoying form of homework: outlines. These dreaded assignments involved summarizing a list of given headers from the course textbook. For months, my classmates and I labored away at these outlines, turning through pages only to reprint their shortened content onto our own. It seemed so easy that a robot could do it!

Wait, could it?

I should make a minor correction to the previous paragraph: I wasn't turning physical pages. Instead, I was clicking through an online textbook. Could I automate this? You can probably guess what the answer was.

I don't have much experience with web development (as evidenced by this site!), and this was also my first Python project, so practically every technology I used was new to me. I managed to sift through the convoluted mess of a DOM structure that made up the online textbook and discover which elements matched up to the content I needed. Once I determined how to reliably parse through page headers, I had to work out how to reach other pages. I achieved this by simulating typing and clicking onto a navigation field and button.

After solving a few Selenium issues, I had the actual scraping part of the program finished. I had accomplished what I set out to do, but I wondered if I could take it even further. I noticed that the homework document describing the headers to outline was consistently structured. A few tutorials later, I had a Word library parsing these documents, extracting the headers and page numbers, and feeding them directly into the scraper. Now that I had gotten comfortable with interacting with documents, it was a simple matter of changing the output format from the console to a nicely formatted document. By the end of it, all the program required was the path to the assignment document as an argument. A minute or so later, it would spit out a completed assignment (minus the summarization, which I added in later). Still, I wondered if I could make the process even simpler. After plugging in a GUI script wrapper, this was the end result. I'm not showing any pictures of the scraper-controlled browser or the resulting document just to stay on the safe side of copyright, but you get the idea.

The program configuration menu The program actively running The program after finishing

With the program complete, I packaged it up into an executable. Due to issues with wheel files and system XML libraries, I wasn't able to build a Windows binary, although running the script in a normal Python environment worked fine. I had a few people ask me about getting it working, to which I offered the two solutions of running the script directly or finding a way to run the original binary. I have no idea if anyone else actually managed to use it, which was probably for the best. Still, this was nowhere near the riskier programs I built in high school, which I'll write about in the next post.